Ford Presents Artificial Intelligence as a Convenient Way to Hitch Trailers

April 14th, 2023 by

NYE Ford 2023 Ford Pro Trailer Hitch Assist

Photo Source: Ford

There is a very good chance readers have heard the term “AI” a few times in recent months. The technology is being utilized to create realistic artwork and images from thin air. Now, in 2023, Ford is relying on artificial intelligence, including machine learning and computer vision, to make it simpler than ever to hitch a trailer. This industry-first technology automatically controls the truck’s steering, speed, and braking to ensure the trailer hitch ball is precisely underneath the trailer coupler.

Pro Trailer Hitch Assist

With Pro Trailer Hitch Assist, the Blue Oval aims to make hitching a truck and trailer as easy as pushing a button. Specifically, by depending on the vehicle’s corner radars and rear camera, the technology can align the hitch with the trailer coupler. To use it effectively, consumers just push and hold a button while keeping an eye on the progress on the center screen display. At that point, advanced machine learning technology takes over the process, detecting the hitch ball, trailer, and coupler at distances up to approximately 20 feet.

The system will identify the best path to back the truck up to the trailer, using computer vision to accurately locate both the hitch ball and trailer. Once it confirms the coupler is positioned higher than the hitch ball, the truck will steer itself so that the hitch ball is positioned directly underneath the trailer’s coupler.

The Road to Development

In order to develop Pro Trailer Hitch Assist’s machine learning algorithms, the manufacturer collected a large volume of data so the machine learning algorithm can distinguish a wide array of different trailers of varying types and sizes. As a matter of fact, the degree of sophistication of the machine is so highly advanced that it even takes into account weather conditions and different terrain. 

For many people, artificial intelligence is becoming the new norm, but it has yet to replace people because it is imperfect. Rather, artificial intelligence acts as a very good personal assistant that sometimes makes mistakes. People have witnessed this with AI chatbots that confidently provide incorrect information and autonomous vehicles that have crashed. For this reason, some individuals hesitate to place their trust in AI assistants such as Pro Trailer Hitch Assist.

However, that is when another element associated with the system comes into play. For example, if an obstacle is noticed while trying to hitch the trailer, the system’s ultrasonic reverse parking aid system will alert the driver. The system functions by emitting ultrasonic waves to determine that an impediment is in the way. In other words, the Pro Trailer Hitch Assist provides a customer with extra perception that would otherwise not be possible.

Behind the Scenes

Created in-house by Ford’s Advanced Driver Assistance Systems team, the automaker received 60 patents through the course of development. Like other forms of artificial intelligence technology finding its way into people’s daily lives, Ford is going to constantly be updating its algorithms with future trailer image data. The goal, of course, is to make the system better over time through Ford Power-Up software updates.

Ford is depending upon technology to make driving a pleasure, not a struggle. At NYE Ford, we have a similar goal in mind to make your car shopping experience as enjoyable as it possibly can be. We are here to offer suggestions that may help you with any financial needs or questions you may have pertaining to the payment of a vehicle. Please stop by and see what we can do for you right now.